About the Journal


The Scientific and Technological Research Journal of María Serrana Private University was created in December 2017. Its launch was held in February 2018 in an event at the facilities of the National Council of Science and Technology, with the presence of Mr. Luis Alberto Lima, who was then the President of CONACYT. Dr. Norma Aquino, chancellor of María Serrana Private University, Dr. José Altamirano, the Academic Vice-chancellor and other authorities, students of various careers, teaching and administrative staff also attended the event.

Professor Gerardo Armando Picón, General Director of Scientific and Technological Research, was appointed Editor-in-Chief, gave the opening speech and launch of the journal.

Scope and Objectives

The Journal of Scientific and Technological Research of María Serrana Private University is a multidisciplinary publication whose objective is to disseminate scientific, technological and humanistic knowledge, through original and unpublished results of scientific research that represent a contribution to the development of science and technology. The magazine is a space for the dissemination of national and international production of researchers, students, teachers and professionals.

It is of a semester frequency in the Spanish language. The title, abstract and keywords are also presented in English. The standard abbreviated title is Rev. investig. scient. technology with printed ISSN 2521-9596 and 2617-2852 for the online version.

Post Peer Assessment

The article peer review process is done fairly and robustly. First of all, all works are reviewed by the Editorial Committee of the Journal. Those considered for publication will be sent for review by external peer reviewers to the Editorial Committee to measure the quality, feasibility and credibility of the research. The journal uses double-blind peer review, preserving anonymity and thus ensuring that the review is done fairly. The reviewers are professors and specialists in the disciplines covered by the journal.

The evaluators must inform the editor about possible fraud or plagiarism of the evaluated research. Decide the articles objectively and in the established time. They should also justify the reasons why an article is rejected or provide suggestions that can strengthen the publication.

The evaluators must declare any conflict of interest and reject the invitation of the editor to evaluate a manuscript when, for example, they identify the authorship of the manuscript, are academically or family close to the authors, belong to the same university, department, research group, professional network, research project or any other type of professional connection or conflict / proximity.

The attached format can be used by the evaluators to present their report.


Open Acess

The Journal of Scientific and Technological Research provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that the free availability of research to the public supports a greater exchange of global knowledge by presenting research results that deepen and promote the development of diverse communities.

The contents published in the magazine are distributed under the Creative Commons CC BY License, which allows to share a copy and redistribute the material in any way or format as well as to adapt, remix, transform and build other contents for any purpose, even commercial, always granting the corresponding attribution and without additional restrictions, that is, you cannot apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything that the license allows.

Free Publication

The sending and the publication of the articles are not subject to any cost. The published content is fully available online for free.

Permanent Call

The call to receive articles is permanent (throughout the year). Articles must follow all established standards and formats. There will be two cut-off dates for the first semester and second semester of each year.


The Journal of Scientific and Technological Research is indexed in: REDIB, LATINDEX,



The author holds the intellectual property rights over his works. The reuse, by third parties, of the works can be done under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY License.

In the event that the submitted work is approved for publication, as author (s) and copyright owner (s), they authorize the Journal of Scientific and Technological Research to be able to reproduce and edit it in an unlimited time, distribute it, exhibit it and communicate it at home and abroad by electronic means.

Ethics and Social Responsibility

Published works must follow ethical research criteria. It will be the responsibility of the authors to comply with the ethical and legal requirements of the institution where the work was carried out, such as obtaining the consents and authorizations of the people or institutions participating in the study.

All publications are based on the principles of transparency and good practices in academic publications established by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).

The works and opinions published in the journal are the exclusive responsibility of the authors.

Plagiarism Detection

The journal rejects plagiarism and fraudulent practices, therefore, all contributions sent for publication will be subjected to an originality analysis before sending for peer review. In case of detecting any type of fraud, the text will be withdrawn from the process and the author will be notified about the decision. In this sense, the article will be rejected and the Investigator (s) informed of the plagiarism. The journal asks researchers to cite the contents of the original source when it is going to make use of them.

Article Retraction Policy

By retraction of articles, the Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica has the right to inform the scientific community and readers in general about voluntary or involuntary errors committed in its publications, as well as evidential fraud committed by the authors of published articles.

By means of an erratum that will be made public in subsequent editions. Among the cases of retraction are: total or partial plagiarism, alteration of results and manipulation of discussions or conclusions, results already published in other media without due notification, reference or justification, omission of authors or co-authors, evidence of findings not they are trustworthy for misconduct or honest mistake.

Archiving Policy

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.

María Serrana Private University also implements a backup system for the computer systems used, as well as the files in pdf format are stored in said systems.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.