Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)
Artículos Originales

Nutritional status and academic stress in young university students of the Faculty of Medicine-UNNE

Marcela Romero Pereira
Silvina Serna
Maicol Ferreira
Mariana Edit Cabral
Dora Figueroa
Lila Almirón

Published 2023-06-30


  • Academic stress,
  • Nutritional status,
  • Eating habits,
  • University students,
  • Young people
  • Estrés académico,
  • Estado nutricional,
  • Hábitos alimentarios,
  • Universitarios,
  • Jóvenes

How to Cite

Romero Pereira, M., Serna, S., Ferreira, M., Cabral, M. E., Figueroa, D., & Almirón, L. (2023). Nutritional status and academic stress in young university students of the Faculty of Medicine-UNNE. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 7(1), 103–118. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V7N1(2023)8


Moringa is a tree to which numerous properties are attributed, both beneficial to health aObjectives. To evaluate the nutritional status and academic stress of university students at the Faculty of Medicine-UNNE. Method. Cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study. Students from the first to sixth year of the Medicine career of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste are included. A structured survey was produced with questions of a sociodemographic nature, questions referring to the level of stress from the SISCO validated Inventory of Academic Stress and questions about food based on the national nutrition and health survey (ENNyS 2) Weight and Height was measured with a scale with a built-in stadiometer. Metallic tape measures were used, expressing values in cm. Variables are expressed as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviation. IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software was used. Results. Abdominal perimeter it was 74.27 ± 9.86 cm and 86.10 ± 10.20 cm for women and men respectively. The BMI shows a general condition of overweight, with a mean of 25.62 ± 4.60 in women and 26.10 ± 6.00 in men first, second and sixth year, the level of stressful stimuli is moderate, with values of 56%, 57% and 53% respectively while third, fourth and fifth are categorized as severe stress, with values of 65%, 62% and 70% respectively, the frequency in which the symptoms or reactions to a stressor stimulus occurred was 45%, 47% and 39% respectively for the first, fourth and sixth year categorized as mild, while the remaining years were of a moderate level with the values of 54% for the second year, 52% third and 53% fifth year. Conclusion. After the analysis of the data that competes with stress, it can be concluded that 100% of the students without distinction of sex, perceive as stress stimuli, spending in the medical career, while in what respects the symptoms, 53% suffer moderate alterations, and only 11% present effective strategies against them.


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