Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)
Artículos Originales

New paths for the understanding and educational intervention of dyslexia in children of cycle one

Angélica María Guerrero González
Mireya Frastro Rojas

Published 2023-06-30


  • Dislexia,
  • Docente,
  • Actitud,
  • Formación,
  • Intervención
  • Dyslexia,
  • Teachers,
  • Attitude,
  • Training,
  • Intervention

How to Cite

Guerrero González, A. M., & Frastro Rojas, M. (2023). New paths for the understanding and educational intervention of dyslexia in children of cycle one. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 7(1), 140–154. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V7N1(2023)11


It is expected that professors supply suitable and adequate learning environments to ensure comprehensive and quality education for students, including those with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD). Hence, this doctoral research has an innovative purpose to encouraging teachers of the first cycle of the “Álvaro Gómez Hurtado” Educational Institution in Bogota to generate clear and contextualized intervention strategies and care routes for attendance of students with dyslexia, a repeated situation in the classroom and increased after the pandemic. At the same time, promotes the proper detection of this condition, benefiting their socio-emotional attitudes and contributing to the improvement in their development. For this purpose, we implemented a questionnaire that focuses on the five categories of analysis in this study. The methodology is descriptive of a mixed, quasi-experimental, and cross-sectional cut (follow-up of one academic semester), with an experimental group in pre-test and post-test assessment. Likewise, the results show that it is necessary to update and adjust the perceptions and practices encountered with the concept and management of dyslexia. Although it is a situation that arises within the daily life of the classroom, some adaptations must be disseminated in the school community, especially to educators, to implement adequate and contextualized approaches to current demands. In addition, the teacher must strengthen the recognition of the characteristics of SpLD, specifically dyslexia, and its current legal normativity, in addition to strategies and tools for the proper detection and intervention of students to qualify their academic and socio-emotional learning processes. Accordingly, dyslexia and its inadequate attention generate difficulties in the academic context as well as in the socio-emotional area. Low self-esteem, anxiety, intolerance, and no tolerance for frustration are possible consequences that increase without proper attention. Although dyslexia is indeed transitory and not a clinical diagnostic difficulty, if it is not detected and treated in time, the related challenges are stronger. In conclusion, this study suggests that the teachers of the first cycle have clear sights on the current concept, characteristics, and correct detection and attention of dyslexia, maintaining a constant, permanent, and reflective formation against the subject. The analysis intends to support new research and contribute to the knowledge and intervention of dyslexia.


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