Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)
Artículos Originales

Nursing Care Process in Patients Diagnosed with COVID-19 Requiring Emergency Surgery for Intestinal Occlusion

Verónica Gallegos-García
Maritza Nohemí Puente-Rangel
Josué Isaac Ramírez-Jiménez
Diana Sanjuanero-Osuna
Laura Luz Mendoza-Pérez
Pedro Reyes-Laris
Juan de Dios Hernández-Morales
Omar Medina-de la Cruz

Published 2023-06-30


  • Oclusión intestinal,
  • COVID-19,
  • Intervención intestinal,
  • Protocolo quirúrgico,
  • Cuidados de enfermería
  • Intestinal occlusion,
  • COVID-19,
  • Intestinal intervention,
  • Surgical protocol,
  • Nursing care

How to Cite

Gallegos-García, V., Puente-Rangel, M. N., Ramírez-Jiménez, J. I., Sanjuanero-Osuna, D., Mendoza-Pérez, L. L., Reyes-Laris, P., Hernández-Morales, J. de D., & Medina-de la Cruz, O. (2023). Nursing Care Process in Patients Diagnosed with COVID-19 Requiring Emergency Surgery for Intestinal Occlusion. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 7(1), 155–167. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V7N1(2023)12


The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is a public health problem whose clinical condition is mainly respiratory in humans; however, the virus can also affect other organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, causing one of the surgical causes. The main ones that are intestinal obstruction. The nursing staff in response to the health contingency have proposed new care plans to provide holistic care to the patient with COVID-19. Aim. Prepare a nursing care plan for the patient with COVID-19 who requires emergency surgery for intestinal occlusion. Method. A bibliographic search and review were carried out in databases and journals such as Elsevier, Scielo, Medical Portals, Revista de Gastroenterología en México, specialized books on intestinal occlusion and search engines such as Google academic. Articles in Spanish and English were included access to the full and free text. Using Marjory Gordon’s functional patterns, nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions were identified to develop a standardized care plan using the NANDA, NIC, and NOC taxonomy in the perioperative period. Results. The main diagnostic labels proposed for the care plan for patients with intestinal obstruction diagnosed with COVID-19 are: a) ineffective respiratory pattern, b) impaired tissue integrity, and c) acute pain. Conclusions. The nursing professional aims to direct their actions to solve or minimize possible health-related problems, this structure is reflected through the application of the nursing care process, during the perioperative period to provide quality care that ensures well-being and lead to their recovery of the patient with intestinal obstruction.


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