Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Artículos Originales

Exploration of knowledge about sexually transmitted infections in adolescents of a private institution, Asuncion, Paraguay

Jorge Quintín Zarza
Tatiana Jacquet
Nimia Rodríguez
Dalila Melgarejo Ferreira

Published 2023-12-24


  • Conocimientos,
  • infección de transmisión sexual,
  • adolescentes
  • Knowledge,
  • sexually transmitted infection,
  • adolescents

How to Cite

Zarza, J. Q., Jacquet, T., Rodríguez, N., & Melgarejo Ferreira, D. . (2023). Exploration of knowledge about sexually transmitted infections in adolescents of a private institution, Asuncion, Paraguay. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 7(2), 17–27. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V7N2(2023)2


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) represent a major health problem worldwide, especially among young people. It has been observed that attitudes can be modified through the acquisition of positive knowledge, and adolescents play a key role both as receivers and disseminators of information. The objective was to explore knowledge about STIs in adolescents. An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out with a quantitative approach. The study area was a private institution located in Loma Pyta. The sample was composed of 34 adolescents, using a non-probability convenience sampling and covering a census sample. The methodology consisted of a survey that included a pretest and a post-test as an educational intervention. An electronic questionnaire developed at Google was used as a tool to collect the data. Data were tabulated using Microsoft Excel, and descriptive statistics were used for analysis. The results, the age group was 15 to 17 years and there was a higher proportion of female participants. In the pretest, it was identified that the main way of obtaining information about STIs was through teachers, followed by doctors and friends. 90 per cent of participants were able to recognize the most common STIs, such as syphilis, HIV/AIDS and gonorrhea, and noted that the main forms of transmission were sex without a condom and oral sex. Regarding risk behaviors, promiscuity, drug addiction and lack of condom use in casual relationships were highlighted. In the post-test, greater knowledge about HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis and herpes was observed, including their transmission, symptoms and forms of prevention. In conclusion, it was evidenced that adolescents had received information about STIs, mainly through teachers and doctors. There is greater knowledge on the part of the participants about the most common STIs, their forms of transmission, risk behaviors and prevention measures.


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