Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Artículos Originales

Degree of compliance with medical instructions by patients

Published 2023-12-24


  • Cumplimiento,
  • Adherencia,
  • Indicaciones médicas
  • Compliance,
  • Adherence,
  • Medical indications

How to Cite

Burgos, J., & Gerometta, R. (2023). Degree of compliance with medical instructions by patients. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 7(2), 39–46. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V7N2(2023)4


We proposed to study the degree of compliance with medical indications by a group of retired patients. Materials and methods: Quantitative-observational-descriptive-cross-sectional study in a population of retirees from the Department of Iguazú, province of Misiones, Argentina. A survey was conducted through a Google Drive Form provided through Whatsapp. Results: 46 retirees were included, average age: 70.95 years and a clear predominance of women. The most frequent medical indications were medications and lifestyle changes. Four did not comply with the medical indications, all were women, three had completed high school and one had a university degree. Two cases did not comply with the medication, one did not undergo X-rays and another did not undergo physiatry sessions. The x-ray was not performed because the ailment subsided before appointment and in the other three cases of non-compliance it was due to the fact that their coverage was not authorized by their health insurance company. As a conclusion: Most complied with the medical indications received. The lack of compliance with the medication was the medical indication that was most frequently not met. The main cause of non-compliance with the medical indication is non-authorization by the social work. The lack of compliance was seen exclusively in the female sex and in women with completed secondary and university education. These data could contribute to the determination of public policies that allow a direct, fast and effective management in the acquisition of the corresponding therapeutics by this age group.


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