Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Artículos Originales

Analysis of the relationship between face mask usage and fear of contagion in the educational setting through the PLS structural model

Juana María Saucedo Soto
Ana Lucía Ruíz Vigil
Juan Bernardo Amezcua Núñez

Published 2023-12-24


  • Face mask,
  • teachers,
  • fear of contagion of COVID -19
  • Cubrebocas,
  • docentes,
  • miedo al contagio COVID -19

How to Cite

Saucedo Soto, J. M. ., Ruíz Vigil, A. L. ., & Amezcua Núñez, J. B. . (2023). Analysis of the relationship between face mask usage and fear of contagion in the educational setting through the PLS structural model. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 7(2), 118–128. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V7N2(2023)12


Once the WHO (World Health Organization) determined that if it was a pandemic, the recommendations to avoid the spread of the virus in the population were: keep a minimum distance of one meter in situations where you have to socialize with another person, mandatory use of masks in public places, work areas, transportation, etc. In addition, educational institutions have been forced to change their forms of organization and operation in order to be able to fulfill their functions. Schools and teachers have made great efforts to continue educating with the measure of the use of mouthguards for the return to school. This research proposes a model with the dimensions, correct use, fear of contagion, and purchase intention in a relationship with the continuous use of mouthguards by teachers, who due to their type of work are in constant contact with their students. The structural equation system PLS SEM was used, and the proposed model was analyzed with the software SmartPLS 4. The variable fear of contagion turned out to be the most significant with respect to the result of the continuous use of mouthguards in the classroom. The results obtained confirm that the continuous use of mouth masks by teachers is necessary to prevent the spread of COVID 19 in the classroom.


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