Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Artículos Originales

The digital competencies of teachers in the new secondary education in public schools in São Paulo: a study of teacher development in the face of digital information and communication technologies (DICTS)

Cintia Santos Tolosa Bianchi

Published 2023-12-24


  • Competencia digital,
  • Profesores,
  • Nueva Escuela Secundaria,
  • TDIC
  • Digital Competence,
  • Teachers,
  • NMS,
  • TDIC

How to Cite

Santos Tolosa Bianchi, C. . (2023). The digital competencies of teachers in the new secondary education in public schools in São Paulo: a study of teacher development in the face of digital information and communication technologies (DICTS). Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 7(2), 140–150. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V7N2(2023)15


This study sought to understand the digital competencies of teachers who teach in the New Secondary School (NMS) in public schools in the city of São Paulo. This thesis was organized in three parts: initially, different social and political meanings reverberating in schools were problematized. For this, a brief historical review of education in Brazil and the changes brought about by the New Secondary Education (NMS) were presented. The second movement discussed the implementation of the New Secondary Education and its implications for the development of teachers’ Digital Competencies. Aspects such as curricular flexibility, organization by knowledge areas and the possibilities of integrating digital technologies in the educational process were addressed. In the third movement, we questioned the digital competence of Brazilian basic education teachers in the face of DICTs, NMS and the Covid-19 event. For this purpose, an exploratory descriptive study was conducted and two identical electronic questionnaires were used as instruments, the first at the beginning of the pandemic and the second 30 months later. Data collection was based on an evaluation grid divided into three Areas of Digital Teaching Competence, specifically the following areas were investigated: a) Pedagogical; b) - Digital Citizenship; c) Professional Development. Therefore, the results of this research not only unveil the fragility of Teacher Digital Competencies in the context of the Brazilian NMS but also highlight the need for teacher training to empower, question, and build a more humanized and emancipatory teaching/learning process in schools. The panorama constructed in this work aims to support educators and public and private managers in facing the challenges and opportunities presented by education in the 21st century.


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