Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)
Artículos Originales

Dimensions of young people’s motivations for buying second-hand clothing: a parsimonious scale

Published 2024-06-28


  • Generation Z,
  • fast fashion,
  • second-hand shopping
  • Generación z,
  • Compra de segunda mano

How to Cite

Juan Bernardo Amezcua Núñez, Juana María Saucedo Soto, Ana Lucía Ruíz Vigil, & Luis Ángel Puente Moncada. (2024). Dimensions of young people’s motivations for buying second-hand clothing: a parsimonious scale. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 8(1), 17–32. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V8N1(2024)2


The purchase of second-hand clothing among young people has become a common practice in recent years as a counter-trend to fast fashion consumption. Based on the defi- nition of the fast fashion concept and its negative consequences for the environment, this study reviews the scale proposed by Guiot and Roux (2010) to find a parsimonious scale that allows for a better evaluation of the motivations that lead young people to make these types of purchases. Through a review of literature on consumer behavior regarding fast fashion but also on purchases in flea markets by Generation Z youth, the need to iden- tify a simpler model that represents responsible purchasing in this industry was found, allowing for a better understanding and analysis in a more straightforward manner. A factorial analysis was applied to 22 items using SPSS software, which identified five dimensions (Emotional Motivators, Rational Motivators, Self-perception Construction, Social Stigma, and Understanding the Circular Fashion Construct) that are essential for explaining the sustainable purchasing behavior of second-hand clothing among young consumers. Ultimately, it can be inferred that although young people of this generation understand the importance of sustainable fashion and do not dislike buying second-hand clothing, there still exists a certain social stigma towards this purchasing behavior.


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