Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Artículos Originales

Experiences in the implementation of the healthy school strategy during the covid-19 pandemic. Public school. Saint Lawrence 2021

Rosa Daniela Ovelar
Luis Prats
Sofía Ramos
Noemí Cabello
Mónica Meyer
Daniel Ovelar

Published 2022-06-29


  • Experiences,
  • Healthy School,
  • COVID-19
  • Experiencias,
  • Escuela Saludable,
  • COVID-19

How to Cite

Ovelar, R. D., Prats, L., Ramos, S., Cabello, N., Meyer, M., & Ovelar, D. (2022). Experiences in the implementation of the healthy school strategy during the covid-19 pandemic. Public school. Saint Lawrence 2021. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 6(1), 70–79. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V6N1(2022)6


The coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) has caused an unprecedented crisis in the school environment with massive closures of face-to-face activities of educational institutions in more than 190 countries in order to prevent the spread of the virus and mitigate its impact. The Healthy Schools strategy arises as an initiative to proactively develop health promotion skills within educational communities, its implementation depends largely on a management team destined for this purpose accompanied by local health personnel. The objective of the study was to characterize the experiences in the implementation of the healthy school strategy during the COVID-19 Pandemic in a school institution. The approach was qualitative, phenomenological design, the sample was comprised of Directors and Teachers of the Public School, the data collection technique was an interview with key informants and a semi-structured interview with a guide of questions to teachers. The data analysis was carried out by coding the analysis categories and subcategories, the data were presented in diagrams and tables. The main results showed that the implementation of the healthy school strategy was fundamental and of great help for the effective application of health protocols during the COVID-19 Pandemic.


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