Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Artículos Originales

Didactic proposal based on the use of the question and the heuristic regulation for the improvement of the problem solving processes in mathematics and attitudes in the sixth grade students of secondary school

José Luis García Reales
Mireya Frausto Rojas

Published 2022-06-29


  • Problem solving,
  • Attitudes towards mathematics,
  • Heuristic regulation,
  • George Polya’s model
  • Resolución de problemas,
  • Actitudes hacia las matemáticas,
  • Regulación heurística,
  • Modelo de George Polya

How to Cite

García Reales, J. L., & Frausto Rojas, M. (2022). Didactic proposal based on the use of the question and the heuristic regulation for the improvement of the problem solving processes in mathematics and attitudes in the sixth grade students of secondary school. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 6(1), 117–130. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V6N1(2022)10


The objective of this research work is to determine the degree of contribution or impact of a didactic proposal, based on the use of the question and heuristic regulation through the development of didactic guides, in the cognitive and metacognitive processes of problem solving. The population was sixth grade students of Basic Secondary Education from two official educational institutions of the Barranquilla District of socioeconomic strata 1 and 2 and the selected sample was approximately 48 students, unintentional and probabilistic. With a quantitative research approach and quasi-experimental methodological design with an experimental group and a control group, a questionnaire was applied where four problems of multiplicative structure were proposed that responded to the components of mathematics established in the national curriculum evaluated by means of a rubric to record the status of each problem-solving process (exploration, acquisition of new information, analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring) with respect to the analysis of open questions that mark the existence or not of each of the resolution processes, according to the models by Lester (2013) and López (2015) and adaptations of the models by Lozano and Tejada (2019). In addition, a scale of attitudes was applied according to Martínez-Vicente and Valiente Barroso (2019), Likert type, in the students to measure their impressions about the teacher’s assessment, usefulness and satisfaction towards mathematics, Mathematical competence and beliefs in resolution from problems. The results show that there are significant or positive differences in each of the problem-solving processes and attitudes towards mathematics, between the students of the control and experiment groups, after the pedagogical intervention based on the question and heuristic regulation.


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