Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)
Artículos Originales

Program under the Authentic Evaluation Pedagogical model, focused on instrumentation and formative feedback

Elibeth Vega Montaño
Mireya Fraustro Rojas

Published 2023-06-30


  • Formación docente,
  • Evaluación auténtica,
  • Retroalimentación formativa,
  • Práctica reflexiva
  • Teacher training,
  • Authentic assessment,
  • Formative feedback,
  • Reflective practice

How to Cite

Vega Montaño, E., & Fraustro Rojas, M. (2023). Program under the Authentic Evaluation Pedagogical model, focused on instrumentation and formative feedback. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 7(1), 67–85. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V7N1(2023)6


Secondary education in Colombia requires the development of students’ reflective thinking, and for this, teachers must be their reference, through their performance evidenced by good reflective practices. This article describes the results of a research conducted with the objective of evaluating the impact of a teacher training program to improve reflective pedagogical practice in planning, instrumentation and formative feedback under the approach of authentic assessment. The study involved 20 high school teachers from different knowledge areas of the Silvestre Dangond Daza Educational Institution, located in the municipality of Villanueva, department of La Guajira - Colombia. A transversal research approach was chosen, with a quasi-experimental, mixed design, testing a didactic intervention based on the reflection of the pedagogical practice, use of evaluation instruments, strategies for formative feedback mainly among peers and enlivening the learning circles to achieve better results in the students’ learning. It was based on the application of a pre-test and post-test, validated by 4 experts, consisting of two components; Rebeca Anijovich’s Modes of Feedback and Levels of Reflective Thinking, according to Villa and Poblete’s model, consisting of a 23-item questionnaire, without a control group. The results, as well as the analysis of the experience, show the effectiveness of the teacher training program developed and establishes the need to apply the tools incorporated, to have spaces to share reflections on pedagogical practices among peers and to position oneself in the continuous improvement of learning processes. In the same way, it constitutes a contribution to future research in its fundamental themes; authentic assessment, formative feedback and reflective teaching.


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