Cardiovascular diseases are currently the leading cause of death worldwide. High blood pressure is one of the pathologies that cause these diseases. By 2019, 1.3 billion people suffered from this condition. Two phytotherapeutics for daily use in Paraguay were selected: Espina Colorada or Ñuati pytã (Guarani language), Solanum sisymbrii- folium (in scientific nomenclature) and Coco, Mbokaja ra’y rapo (in Guaraní language), Acrocomia aculeata (in scientific nomenclature).The Redalyc, Scielo and NCBI libraries were consulted, using the sisymbriifolium descriptors for “Espina Colorada”; already. acuelata, for the search for “acromia aculeata”. The term sisymbriifolium was found in 10 articles in SCIELO, 61 in Redalyc and none in NCBI. With the term “a. aculeata” were found 25 in Redalyc, 10 in SCIELO and none in NCBI. In the reviewed bibliogra- phy, no scientific evidence was found with clinical, physiological and/or pharmacoki- netic data of active ingredients of Acromia Acuelata or Solanum sisymbriifolium that confirm antihypertensive activity.
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