The Impact of Lack of Resources on Menstrual Health and the Need for Legislative Support
and Education in Latin America” addresses the issue of menstrual poverty, which
refers to the lack of hygiene products, adequate education, and access to sanitary services
for the management of menstruation. This phenomenon particularly affects adolescents
and young people in Latin America, where poverty and lack of infrastructure aggravate
the risks to menstrual health, increasing the likelihood of infections and causing an emotional
and psychological impact due to the social stigma associated with menstruation.
Affected people resort to ineffective solutions, such as the use of inadequate materials,
which further compromises their well-being. The study underlines the urgency of implementing
public policies that guarantee access to menstrual hygiene products, improve
sanitary infrastructure, and promote menstrual equity. It also highlights the need for
educational campaigns that eliminate stigma and promote an adequate understanding of
menstrual health. This approach is key to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) related to health and well-being (SDG 3) and gender equality (SDG 5). Menstrual
poverty is a critical form of social inequality that requires urgent action in terms of
public policies, access to resources and education. Addressing this issue will not only
improve the health and well-being of menstruating people, but will also significantly
contribute to gender equality and social justice in Latin America.
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