Introduction: Population aging, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has shown a significant increase in mood disorders, especially depression, in older adults. Immobility, social isolation and fear of contagion have aggravated this situation. This is where the importance of the Bachelor of Kinesiology and his humanized action towards this age group lies. Objective: To describe the effectiveness of therapeutic exercise in states of depression in older adults and Kinesic intervention in exercise planning. Methodology: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 70 older adults (60-99 years) with symptoms of depression, treated at the Geriatric Hospital of Corrientes between 2020 and 2022. The participants were selected by convenience and met inclusion criteria. The information was collected with a structured questionnaire of variables such as age, sex, physical exercises, depressive symptoms, activities of daily living. Results: 90% of participants reported a significant improvement in their mood and a decrease in depressive symptoms after the physical therapy intervention. In addition, an increase in muscle strength, flexibility, and aerobic capacity was observed in the participants. Conclusion: The results support the efficacy of therapeutic exercise as a non-pharmacological intervention to improve the mental and physical health of older adults with depression. However, longitudinal studies with larger samples are needed and therapeutic exercise programs should be implemented in geriatric institutions with professional training in this area.
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