Effectiveness of study habits in Physiology students of the UNNE Nursing Degree, 2023
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Effectiveness of study habits in Physiology students of the UNNE Nursing Degree, 2023. (2025). Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 8(2), 65-81. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V8N2(2024)5


According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, a habit is defined as the particular way of proceeding or behaving acquired through the repetition of similar acts or derived from instinctive tendencies. This research understands Study Habits as the constant modes of action with which the student reacts to new content, to know, understand and apply it. A mixed, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out in order to categorize the Physiology students of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of the Northeast, according to the effectiveness of their study habits, during the course. 2023. A questionnaire was applied to the entire population, a total of 309 students who met the inclusion criteria for this study, during November 2023 and which inquired about study habits, developed and validated by Elena Echegaray from Juarez. The structure included two large sections that evaluated: age; gender and time of graduation from the secondary level and another related to the study habits themselves. The data showed that more than half of the students feel relatively confident in their study skills, but recognize the possibility of improvement (54.5%), while a considerable group (38.3%) is in the process of identifying and working on their areas of opportunity. A very small percentage of students (3.6%) feel fully satisfied with their study habits, and an equally small group needs to make significant improvements to achieve better academic performance. Furthermore, the results revealed several key trends; the majority of students are in the 18 to 23-year-old range. In addition, there is a significant predominance of female students. Meanwhile, a high percentage of students graduated from high school between 1 and 5 years ago, with a progressive decrease in the categories with the longest graduation time.

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