Integration of Research and Entrepreneurship in Training: A Methodological Proposal
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Integration of Research and Entrepreneurship in Training: A Methodological Proposal. (2025). Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 8(2), 141-158.


This article titled “Integration of Research and Entrepreneurship in Education” presents a methodology developed as a result of an applied research project. This methodology is to integrate two essential components in professional education: the construction of research skills and the development of entrepreneurship competencies. This methodology was specifically designed within the context of a technologist training program at the National Apprenticeship Service (SENA); however, its pedagogical intentionality to be scalable and adaptable to various training programs, whether in vocational training or at the university level, is highlighted. Knowledge management and the selection of appropriate pedagogical models are fundamental in education; likewise, multidisciplinary training is considered essential for students to address the challenges of the current job market. In this regard, the promotion of entrepreneurial and research skills has become crucial for professional success. In this context, the developed methodology provides a holistic approach to integrating research and entrepreneurship in education, thus promoting a comprehensive qualification geared towards the changing demands of the current labor market.

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