Hip arthroplasty is a widely used type of surgery, recognized as well as pre and post-surgical kinesiological rehabilitation to restore functionality and mobility to the person, reduce pain and allow the individual to return to daily life and work activities in an early manner. Objective: To know the protocols used in Argentina and Brazil for the rehabilitation of patients with total hip arthroplasty. Methodology: A retrospective cross-sectional descriptive research was carried out on clinical histories of 15 patients who attended the University Service of Kinesiology UNNE Corrientes (Arg.) and 15 patients attended at the Regional Hospital of Araranguá, Santa Catarina (Brazil). An anonymous registration form with data on age, gender, occupation and type of rehabilitation treatment received after hip arthroplasty was used as an instrument for data collection. Results: Most of the patients were women (63.3%), 50% of the total were between 60 and 69 years of age, the care in both registries consisted of a physiotherapeutic and kinesitherapy module, that is, the patients had a moment where they were treated with physical agents and then they were taken to the gym. A total of 33.3% were rehabilitated only with kinesitherapy techniques, and 16.7% only with physical agents (physiotherapy). Conclusion: Rehabilitation protocols are adjusted and combined to the patient’s own needs.
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