Transformations and challenges of the accounting profession in the age of artificial intelligence
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Artificial Intelligence
Professional Development

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Transformations and challenges of the accounting profession in the age of artificial intelligence. (2025). Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 8(2), 208-216.


Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in various professional fields, and accounting is no exception. These advances are changing the traditional paradigm of the accountant, leading to a reconfiguration of their role in organizations. The objective is to evaluate the implications of the implementation of AI on the transformation and challenges of the accounting profession. It was based on a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional, and descriptive approach. 38 participants were surveyed using a questionnaire composed of 12 dichotomous questions by judgment online in the months of March 2023 to May 2024. Inclusion criteria were: professionals in the accounting/auditing area, with knowledge in the integration of advanced technologies, accounting practices through AI, and voluntary participation. Ethical aspects such as informed consent, privacy, and data confidentiality were taken into account. The most relevant results were: 78.9% consider that AI has a significant impact on activities related to the accountant’s career; 81.6% do not believe that the accounting profession will disappear in the medium and long term; 47.4% of respondents are familiar with AI; 81.6% use AI tools in their profession; and 65.8% do not believe that the accountant’s activities in tax matters will decrease in the medium term. It is concluded that the implementation of AI in accounting has the potential to significantly transform the profession, improving the efficiency and accuracy of accounting and auditing tasks, and continuous training plus skill updates will be key for accounting professionals to fully realize the opportunities that AI offers.

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