Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
Artículos Originales

Hand washing in the context of pandemic in people aged 60-78 years old from Villa Dos Trece, Formosa, Argentina, 2020

Valeria= Fedoriachak
José Emiliano Torres
Florencia Anahí Sotelo
Marcelo Emanuel Brítez
Alejandra Botta
Gastón Berecoechea

Published 2021-12-30


  • Lavado de manos,
  • Adultos mayores,
  • Pandemia
  • Hand washing,
  • Older adults,
  • Pandemic

How to Cite

Fedoriachak, V., Torres, J. E., Sotelo, F. A., Brítez, M. E., Botta, A., & Berecoechea, G. (2021). Hand washing in the context of pandemic in people aged 60-78 years old from Villa Dos Trece, Formosa, Argentina, 2020. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 5(2), 50–55. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V5N2(2021)7


Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic brought with it many consequences in terms of health, and even more so if you think about the elderly. Taking this into account, it is necessary for the elderly to know and understand biosecurity measures, more precisely hand washing, to avoid infection. Objetive: Find out if people between 60 and 78 years of age from the town of Villa Dos Trece, Formosa, Argentina have understood the procedure for proper hand washing. Metodology: it was approached as a quantitative study with a descriptive cross-sectional design where a group of 30 people of both sexes between 60 and 78 years of age from the town of Villa Dos Trece, Formosa, Argentina was selected by non-probabilistic sampling and by judgment. Results: Most belonged to an age range corresponding to people between 60 and 65 years old, where 66.7% suffered from some pathology. Regarding the sources of information received on the measures through different media, most were through television, stating that 77% wash their hands with ordinary soap and water, more than 5 times a day, although not everyone knows the steps adequate to do it efficiently. Conclusion: Based on the results, it exposes a positive outlook, although in the same way it is necessary to use methods to bring better information on biosecurity to the homes of the population, including the steps of hand washing.


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