Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
Artículos Originales

Critical thinking from problem-based learning (CTPBL) a didactic guide

Janeth Lasso Avendaño
Mireya Frausto

Published 2021-12-30


  • Critical thinking,
  • reading,
  • CTPBL,
  • comprehension
  • Pensamiento crítico,
  • lectura,
  • pencab,
  • comprensión

How to Cite

Lasso Avendaño, J., & Frausto, M. (2021). Critical thinking from problem-based learning (CTPBL) a didactic guide. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 5(2), 63–71. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V5N2(2021)9


The reading comprehension gaps necessary to achieve critical thinking are specific and forceful according to the results of the Pisa international and national tests applied by Instituto Colombiano para la Evaluación de la Educación (ICFES). For this reason, the present proposal aimed to assess the implementation of the PBL approach (Problem-based learning) for the development of critical thinking based on work guides (CTPBL) with which it is intended to contribute to the solution of said problem. The research problem focused on the search for strategies that would strengthen the mental abilities of the student, that would lead him to become a skilled reader and capable of finding the meaning of any text to, from there contribute his point of view in front of the approach of the author, that is to say the adoption of a critical thought. The methodology for the construction of the guides was focused on problem-based learning. The research method used, the quasi-experimental. It was concluded that PENCABP, based on problem-based learning, constituted an effective tool for the development of critical thinking in first semester students of the Minuto de Dios University of Girardot (Cundinamarca) since they guide the exercise of understanding and analysis of a problem . The results show that in eight months of work, the sample group found in CTPBL a tool from which they can enter into comprehensive and critical reading processes.


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