Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021)
Artículos de Revisión

Relationship of the training cycles of those for high-level athletes and the variables used in complementary tests for the classification of visual capacity

Lucas da Silva Teixeira

Published 2021-12-30


  • Parasport,
  • Visual impairment,
  • Visual acuity,
  • Visual classification
  • Paradeporte,
  • Discapacidad visual,
  • Acuidad visual,
  • Clasificación visual

How to Cite

da Silva Teixeira, L. . (2021). Relationship of the training cycles of those for high-level athletes and the variables used in complementary tests for the classification of visual capacity . Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 5(2), 72–78. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V5N2(2021)10


This review study refers to the influence of sports practice on the health of people with low vision, some methods to promote sportsmanship and the normalization of the level of difficulty in some sports, so that they remain equivalent to the functional parameters corresponding to the category of choice, which would make possible greater equity during practices, in correspondence to the level of autonomy of each para athlete. Motivated to detail the specific benefits of sports practice as a therapeutic method for people with visual disabilities, this article sought to rescue variables that document the relevance of functional classification in the process of choosing the class in which athletes are grouped in the period of the preparation cycles to act in their respective sports modalities, which are also subject to eligibility evaluation. Just as the references found in the scientific literature clarify the relationship between ophthalmological variables, important for visual classification, and the functional performance of these, athletes within their respective modalities and questions about the relevance and objectivity in the classification process. It was possible to verify that there were important variables for the functional classification, used in the ophthalmological evaluation, which can be very useful to monitor the response and the impact of training cycles in eligible high-performance athletes with low vision, making it possible to evaluate the aspects therapeutics of sports practice in some cases. To have a more concrete idea and quantify this therapeutic aspect, it is necessary to analyze the ophthalmological variation between and during the training cycles, thus being able to extract more data to qualify and quantify the relationship of therapeutic aspects of high-performance sports practice by athletes with low vision and the variables used in complementary examinations applied in the visual classification process.


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