Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Artículos Originales

Characterization of arterial hypertension in its clinical - epidemiological aspect in patients older than 18 years diagnosed with arterial hypertension

Published 2022-06-29


  • Hipertensión arterial,
  • Prevalencia,
  • Epidemiología
  • Arterial hypertension,
  • Prevalence,
  • Epidemiology

How to Cite

Cabrera Memmel, D., & Cárdenas, O. (2022). Characterization of arterial hypertension in its clinical - epidemiological aspect in patients older than 18 years diagnosed with arterial hypertension. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 6(1), 49–57. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V6N1(2022)4


Arterial hypertension is a chronic noncommunicable disease. Some literatures refer to it as the silent killer due to the large number of side effects it produces on the human body, many of which are potentially lethal. In this context, the clinical epidemiological characteristics of arterial hypertension were analyzed in patients over 18 years of age who use the health services of a Community Clinic in the San Miguel neighborhood of Ciudad del Este in the year 2022. This is a study with a focus on quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional retrospective, which as a result is important to mention that more cases of arterial hypertension were detected in women than in men due to the concurrence to the control and consultation of the same and the average age of the patients diagnosed is 57 years with degree 2. It is concluded that there is a coincidence with the data from various investigations and reports from health institutions that indicates that the increase in risk factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes mellitus (DM) and stress affects the causes of high blood pressure. The adoption of action plans for the prevention and promotion of noncommunicable diseases in our country should be emphasized above all in correcting risk factors.


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