Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Artículos Originales

Instrument: Geometric Visualization Process In Preschool

Sandra Milena Usaquén Beltrán
Mireya Frausto

Published 2022-12-30


  • Geometría,
  • Visualización,
  • Transición,
  • Botánico,
  • Agrimensor,
  • Constructor,
  • Inventor
  • ...More
  • Geometry,
  • visualization,
  • transition,
  • botanist,
  • surveyor,
  • builder,
  • inventor
  • ...More

How to Cite

Usaquén Beltrán, S. M., & Frausto, M. (2022). Instrument: Geometric Visualization Process In Preschool. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 6(2), 5–14. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V6N2(2022)1


This research aimed to validate an instrument that would identify the geometric visualization process in preschool with 25 children 5 and 6 years old, at the District Educational Institution, “Álvaro Gómez Hurtado” located in Bogotá, Colombia. To achieve this objective, activities were designed and approved by an expert on the subject. The methodology was framed into qualitative research within a descriptive approach, to appreciate the acceptance and understanding by children of the proposed tasks in terms of the stages of geometric visualization. Retrieving the perspective of Duval who makes a classification of the ways of seeing in geometry, depending on the role of figures in the geometric activities that are proposed to students. As the main result, it was found that the children understood the proposed activities in the different classical geometry entries: Botanist, Surveyor, Builder, and Inventor. This indicates an instrument is a useful tool for other research whose objectives relate to the geometric visualization process. Likewise, the results show that the instrument can be used in the classroom for meaningful and motivating activities for the children. It allows them to carry out multiphased processes where the students manage to develop competencies in their geometric and spatial thinking. Accordingly, the visualization process in geometry must be addressed from an early age, as this facilitates the development of skills that will be the basis of the competencies for the higher courses and which would lead to improved academic results in all components of mathematics area. Finally, the research invites educators of different levels of schooling to address innovative perspectives the processes that must be enhanced in preschool, specifically regarding geometry. The study presented with the validation of the instrument will serve as supporting material in the realization of new investigations that contribute to geometric knowledge.


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