Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Artículos Originales

Systemic Curricular Model To Promote Reflective Thinking Competence: Intercultural Approach In Environmental Education

Luisa Fernanda Gutiérrez Cadena
Mireya Fraustro Rojas

Published 2022-12-30


  • Environmental education,
  • systemic curricular model,
  • interculturality,
  • reflective thinking
  • Educación ambiental,
  • modelo sistémico curricular,
  • interculturalidad,
  • pensamiento reflexivo

How to Cite

Gutiérrez Cadena, L. F., & Fraustro Rojas, M. (2022). Systemic Curricular Model To Promote Reflective Thinking Competence: Intercultural Approach In Environmental Education. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 6(2), 20–27. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V6N2(2022)3


This article contains the results of the research that contributes to the presentation of a proposal for a systemic curricular model with an intercultural approach in the environmental education curricula to favor reflective thinking skills. Through an explicit bibliographic review in different international, national and local scenarios regarding reflective thinking, principles of the systemic model and interculturality, this mixed study is oriented with qualitative preponderance taking into account the techniques and instruments for the characterization of the institutional reality. on the development of reflective thinking of students around environmental education; in the second instance, to establish the needs of educational institutions in relation to the systemic model for the teaching of natural sciences; and finally, to determine the challenges that educational institutions must assume for the development of a systemic curricular model to favor reflective thinking competence in environmental education curricula. Using for this purpose the rubric to evaluate reflective thinking thanks to which the lack of topics related to environmental education was identified, the need to guide pedagogical practices towards the development of reflective thinking, taking into account the intercultural nature that characterizes the majority of educational institutions of Colombia for being a multiethnic and multicultural country.


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