Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Artículos Originales

Environmental Compensation Proposal for the Ecological Footprint of the Rodelillo Campus, Viña del Mar University

Sandra Tapia Faggioni
Lorena del Pilar Muñoz del Campo

Published 2022-12-30


  • compensación,
  • emisión de CO2eq,
  • Huella Ecológica,
  • neutralización,
  • sustentabilidad
  • compensation,
  • CO2eq emission,
  • Ecological Footprint,
  • neutralization,
  • sustainability

How to Cite

Tapia Faggioni, S., & Muñoz del Campo, L. del P. (2022). Environmental Compensation Proposal for the Ecological Footprint of the Rodelillo Campus, Viña del Mar University. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 6(2), 28–47. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V6N2(2022)4


The calculation of the Ecological Footprint is a methodology used as an environmental indicator based on evaluating the area necessary to compensate for utilization costs, whether for forest products, energy expenditure, physical occupation of the place, among other consumption factors. Currently, Chilean universities have been inclined to progressively contribute to the generation of analysis and scientific knowledge related to the management of Chile’s natural resources, promoting awareness of sustainability to their students and the community, while evaluating their strategies. of sustainability in their institutions. At the Viña del Mar University, Campus Rodelillo, the Ecological Footprint was determined in order to develop alternatives for neutralization through sustainable projects, the afforestation of native flora and the creation of a student accommodation on campus. The study resulted in the Viña del Mar University having an Ecological Footprint of 100.049 global hectares per year, higher than other international Universities. In addition, it was determined that the Ecological Footprint per capita is 9,35 hag/ year, which is also well above the Ecological Footprint of the country, which is 4,28 hag/year. From the compensation projects, it was possible to analyze that the area to be afforested is insufficient to reduce the Ecological Footprint, giving a compensation of 0,061 hag/year per capita. Regarding compensation through the decrease in transportation by student accommodation, although the Ecological Footprint would decrease considerably, it would not be neutralized.


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