Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Experiences in the professional field

Report of an Experience: Yoga Workshop in the University Context

Luisa Carolina Urbanek
Valeria Fedoriachak
Daniela Jaqueline Pérez

Published 2022-12-30


  • yoga,
  • health students,
  • wellbeing,
  • meditation
  • yoga,
  • estudiantes de la salud,
  • bienestar,
  • meditación

How to Cite

Urbanek, L. C., Fedoriachak, V., & Pérez, D. J. (2022). Report of an Experience: Yoga Workshop in the University Context. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 6(2), 126–131. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V6N2(2022)14


The various types of yoga are used for health purposes, and it is classified as a type of non-conventional physical exercise in which physical postures (asanas), breath awareness (pranayamas) and mind focus (meditation) are worked on for a mindbody intervention. Yoga is meditation in movement. The World Health Organization places it among the practices of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, which encompasses practices that focus on the interaction between the brain, mind, body and behavior and that use the mind to affect physical functions and promote health. In this sense, the aim was to provide a space oriented to strengthen physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, through the practice of yoga, to all members of the educational community of the School of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE). It was planned through the Department of Human and Social Sciences, in conjunction with different Secretariats of the Faculty and the subject Medicine, Man and Society, a call for teachers, management staff and students for a Yoga Workshop: A place to be well, scheduled twice a week, for a period of one month in the two sites of the faculty. Participants expressed that the practice helped them in "flexibility, strength and well-being", "relax", "fall asleep and sleep better", "connect with myself, with my inner self", "let go of things outside", "get stress and anxiety out", "peace", "work with the breath", "disconnect for a moment", "take some time", "free my mind, emotions and feelings that were weighing me down", "concentrate on my studies", "innovative", "recommendable", "I like that it is in the faculty environment and among peers". In the experience, the students have perceived physical, emotional and mental changes, which translates into an improvement in their quality of life. Being able to continue with these practices in the academic environment can favor and provide resources to face situations of stress and anxiety that are generated in this path to become health professionals.


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