Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)
Artículos de Revisión

Digital platforms: an expression of labor flexibilization and precariousness from classical sociological perspectives.

Published 2024-06-28


  • Plataformas digitales,
  • Trabajadores,
  • Enfoques sociológicos,
  • Economía global,
  • Precarización laboral
  • Workers,
  • Digital platforms,
  • Sociological approach,
  • Global econom

How to Cite

Sadys Nair Maldonado, & Sebastián Vargas Ferreira. (2024). Digital platforms: an expression of labor flexibilization and precariousness from classical sociological perspectives. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 8(1), 68–82. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V8N1(2024)6


Digital platforms revolutionized the global economy, generating new forms of emplo- yment, but also driving labor flexibilization and precariousness. This essay analyzes this phenomenon through the theoretical perspectives of Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Par- sons. Marx would argue that these platforms exploit workers by appropriating the sur- plus value they generate, resulting in low wages and lack of job security. Furthermore, he would see digital labor as alienating, disconnecting workers from the fruits of their labor and from their colleagues. Durkheim would observe in digital platforms a scenario of labor specialization, but would worry about poor social solidarity, as workers often ope- rate in isolation. Weber, through his concept of rationalization, would perceive digital platforms as examples of the decomposition of tasks to maximize efficiency, although he would also point out the depersonalization and lack of meaning in such work. Parsons, from the social system theory, would explain digital platforms as subsystems in society and question whether they adequately fulfill their function of integrating individuals into the overall social system. In conclusion, digital platforms pose complex challenges in the labor and social spheres. While these theoretical perspectives contribute to the un- derstanding of certain aspects, it is clear that new theories and approaches are required to address these issues.


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