Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018)
Artículos Originales

Metacognitive strategies in students of the Careers of Psychology and Business Administration of the María Serrana Private University, Asunción, 2018

Gerardo Picón
Universidad Privada María Serrana, Paraguay
Anastacia Burgos
Universidad Privada María Serrana, Paraguay

Published 2020-12-05


  • Metacognición,
  • strategias metacognitivas,
  • Autorregulación
  • Metacognition,
  • Metacognitive strategies,
  • Self-regulation

How to Cite

Picón, G. ., & Burgos, A. . (2020). Metacognitive strategies in students of the Careers of Psychology and Business Administration of the María Serrana Private University, Asunción, 2018. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 2(2), 43–52. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V2N2(2018)5


Metacognition has a direct relationship with active monitoring processes and the regulation of cognitive processes as a control system. Metacognition is very relevant to work on cognitive styles and learning strategies to the extent that the learner is aware of their thinking or learning processes. The objective of the research was to evaluate the metacognitive strategies of Psychology and Business Administration students of the María Serrana Private University of Asunción, Paraguay, 2018, identifying cognitive, planning, monitoring and metacognitive awareness strategies. It was a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, transectional study using as an instrument the inventory on metacognitive strategies of O’Neil and Abedi, including the population of students of the Psychology and Business Administration courses of the María Serrana Private University, in Asunción, Paraguay, in the year 2018. The results indicate that most students of the Psychology Degree always try to discover the main ideas or the relevant information of the task or activity they perform. On the other hand the students of the Administration Career express that they are always aware of what they think about the learning activity or problem and that they check their work while they are doing it, demarcating a metacognitive awareness and the application of monitoring strategies. Both students of Psychology and Administration indicate through the inventory that they are aware of what technique or strategy of thought they use and when to use it and of the thought processes they use.


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