Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017)
Artículos Originales

Functional assessment of patients of both sexes from 60 to 100 years of the Family Unit Service Aldea SOS Zeballos Cue

Daniel González
Universidad Privada María Serrana, Paraguay
Saida Rumina Borja Aveiro
Universidad Privada María Serrana, Paraguay

Published 2017-12-20


  • Índice de KATZ,
  • HTA,
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Index of KATZ,
  • hypertension,
  • Diabetes Mellitus

How to Cite

González , D. ., & Borja Aveiro, S. . R. . . (2017). Functional assessment of patients of both sexes from 60 to 100 years of the Family Unit Service Aldea SOS Zeballos Cue. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 1(1), 19–26. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V1N1(2017)2


The research a quantitative, descriptive, and transversal study. The main objective was to characterize the level of functionality according to the Katz index of older adults who attended the unit of service family 1 SOS from Zeballos Cué, during the months of January to October 2016. The research was conducted with 151 seniors who atended this health unit service. The instrument was the index of KATZ measuring the following variables: basic functional activities (feeding, bath, dressing, toilet staff, continence, hygiene, transfer, wandering, movement), age and sex of patients. In this regard, the population was composed of 151 seniors between 60 to 100 years old, with a mean age of 67.25, of which 53% are female and 47% male. Core functional activities were evaluated taking into account the rate of Katz and was observed, the independent category for the 6 functions (power, continence, mobility, use of the toilet, dressing, bathing.), with a 93%, which shows that the studied population presents the basic functional activities. Likewise, the most common Comorbidities in patients are: HTA (49%), HTA + Diabetes mellitus (17%) and Diabetes Mellitus (3%).


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