Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019)
Artículos Originales

Beliefs and practices of health care in the intercultural context, Indigenous People Guana Community. Saint Lazarus, Paraguay. 2018Beliefs and practices of health care in the intercultural con- text, Indigenous People Guana Community. Saint Lazarus, Par

Doralice Díaz Benítez
Universidad Privada María Serrana. Filial Vallemi, Paraguay
Noelia Beatriz Agüero Valdez
Universidad Privada María Serrana. Filial Vallemi, Paraguay

Published 2019-06-30


  • Salud de poblaciones indígenas,
  • conocimientos,
  • actitudes y prácticas en salud/etnología,
  • Asistencia sanitaria culturalmente competente/ etnología,
  • Medicina tradicional
  • Assistance culturally competent health,
  • Seleccionado:Knowledge,
  • attitudes and practices in health / ethnology,
  • Traditional medicin,
  • Population Health natives

How to Cite

Díaz Benítez, D., & Agüero Valdez, . N. B. . (2019). Beliefs and practices of health care in the intercultural context, Indigenous People Guana Community. Saint Lazarus, Paraguay. 2018Beliefs and practices of health care in the intercultural con- text, Indigenous People Guana Community. Saint Lazarus, Par. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 3(1), 11–19. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V3N1(2019)1


In intercultural relations, a relationship based on respect for diversity and mutual enrichment is established; however, it is not a conflict-free process, these are resolved through respect, dialogue, mutual listening, concertation and synergy, therefore the general objective of the research consisted in analyzing the beliefs and practices of the care of the health in the intercultural context of the Indigenous Community of the Guana People of the city of San Lázaro in 2018. Methodology: design, non-experimental, descriptive, type of study: transversal, focus: quantitative. The chosen population was formed by approximately 150 indigenous people of both sexes, it was not shown because the chosen population is small and took all of it. The method used was the survey with the application of the questionnaire technique. Results: referring to the actions carried out to practice medicine tradition in the indigenous community they indicated that they do have knowledge about it, they always use traditional medicine, because it is improved with the care of the leader, with the use of medicinal herbs to cure diseases and that traditional medicine is the only treatment available in the community and make efforts to conserve the uses and customs. Conclusion, that in the health sector, each indigenous people has its particular way of explaining the world around it and its own ways of representing and understanding health processes - disease; that the human being, wherever he is, is always immersed and in a dynamic relationship with the culture that surrounds him. This is a powerful legacy that man himself has been building through his history and which, in a dynamic relationship with him, influences and molds him.


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