Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019)
Artículos Originales

Prevalence of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation in patients of the Adult Intensive Therapy Unit of the Regional Hospital of Coronel Oviedo in 2016

Juan Manuel Invernizzi Prats
Instituto de Previsión Social, Paraguay
Roberto Daniel Álvarez Ovelar
Instituto de Previsión Social, Paraguay
Karen Yohana Rodas Benítez
Instituto de Previsión Social, Paraguay
Marcos David Martínez Román
Instituto de Previsión Social, Paraguay

Published 2020-12-07


  • Neumonía asociada al ventilador,
  • Neumonía bacteriana,
  • Infección hospitalaria
  • Pneumonia associated with the ventilator,
  • Bacterial pneumonia,
  • Hospital infection

How to Cite

Invernizzi Prats, J. M. ., Álvarez Ovelar, R. D. ., Rodas Benítez, K. Y. ., & Martínez Román, M. D. (2020). Prevalence of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation in patients of the Adult Intensive Therapy Unit of the Regional Hospital of Coronel Oviedo in 2016. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 3(1), 33–42. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V3N1(2019)3


Pneumonia Associated with Mechanical Ventilation is the most frequent complication found in Intensive Therapy rooms. The pneumonia develops after 48 hours of the connection to mechanical ventilation. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation in patients admitted to the adult intensive care unit of the Regional Hospital of Coronel Oviedo in 2016. An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out, which included 107 patients admitted to the Adult Intensive Therapy Unit with connection to mechanical ventilation for more than 48 hours at the Regional Hospital of Coronel Oviedo during 2016. 107 patients with an average age of 58.64 ± 18.05 entered the study. years, 51.9% of the patients were men and 52% were from the urban area. 50.9% had as a basic pathology to arterial hypertension and 35.8% to diabetes mellitus, 55.7% had as diagnosis of admission to acute renal failure. 17.9% was the value of the prevalence of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation, with the latter being classified as the most frequent in 78.94%. 58.5%, of the patients who developed the pathology obitaron and the most frequently isolated germ was Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is concluded that the prevalence of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation was low, the largest number of patients included in the study were male, of urban origin and were in 50 and 59 years. The most frequent diagnosis of admission was of a clinical type. Pneumonia associated with Mechanical Ventilation was more prevalent in males and in the age group of 59 years or younger. More than half of the patients who developed the pathology died. The most frequently isolated germ was Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


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