Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020)
Artículos Originales

Use of screens in the waiting room of a public pediatric hospital in the city of Corrientes, Argentina during the months April-June of the year 2019

Cecilia Villalba
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina
Ignacio Pinedo
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina
Nicole Celeste Snaider
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina
Facundo David Vargas Capará
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina
Rosana Gerometta
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina

Published 2020-12-08


  • Screens,
  • Waiting room,
  • Hospital-Children,
  • Ophthalmology
  • Pantallas,
  • Sala De Espera,
  • Hospital-Niños,
  • Oftalmología

How to Cite

Villalba, C. ., Pinedo, I. ., Snaider, N. C., Vargas Capará, F. D. ., & Gerometta, R. . (2020). Use of screens in the waiting room of a public pediatric hospital in the city of Corrientes, Argentina during the months April-June of the year 2019. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 4(1), 31–40. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V4N1(2020)3


The digital age has come to this day, and the use of mobile devices and touch screens has become widespread, usually, regardless of the economic or social status of families. The objective was to assess the prevalence of screen use time, uses, motives and how it influenced the emotional state of children while they waited to be cared for together with their primary caregivers. It is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. 247 observations of babies, children and adolescents were developed, recording on a spreadsheet. Subsequently, a database was created and analyzed with Epi Info. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with the caregivers. These were analyzed and classified with the Atlasti software. 59.5% used all the time or most of it. Of the total, 52% used the devices to play, 38% to watch videos, and the remaining 10% for social networks. Caregivers generally provided screens to calm children. Regarding the emotional state, 63.9% of the children were calm, 32.7% restless and 3.2% angry. The majority of the adults provided screens to the children in a high percentage, in order to keep them still while they waited. In addition, | they give screens to their children a good part of the day to reassure them, even recognizing the risks. The guardianship of those responsible should be reinforced to contribute to the development and well-being of their children.


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