Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)
Artículos de Revisión

COVID-19 and Conflicting Duties in Criminal Law: neoconsequentialism as the only rationally justified guiding cognitive structure for a normatively consistent solution to the complex dilemma faced by doctors in the context of extraordinary emergency in th

Bryan D. Weber
Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina

Published 2021-06-30


  • Colisión de deberes,
  • Coronavirus,
  • Triaje,
  • Deontologismo,
  • Neoconsecuencialismo,
  • Justificación,
  • Espacio libre de derecho
  • ...More
  • Collision of duties,
  • Coronavirus,
  • Triage,
  • Deontologism,
  • Neoconsequentialism,
  • Justification,
  • Juridical assessment,
  • Free space
  • ...More

How to Cite

Weber, B. D. . (2021). COVID-19 and Conflicting Duties in Criminal Law: neoconsequentialism as the only rationally justified guiding cognitive structure for a normatively consistent solution to the complex dilemma faced by doctors in the context of extraordinary emergency in th. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 5(1), 69–83. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V5N1(2021)6


The purpose of this article is to set forth the issues raised by a prima facie rational problem-solving method applicable to the resolution of collision of “reasons for duty”, when it comes to a situation of extraordinary emergency such as the one triggered by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent collapse of the healthcare system. The focal point will be laid upon the criminal relevance of the medical act of distribution of scarce life-saving resources among the vast amount of infected (known as ‘triage’). Faced with this dilemma, the most rational alternative for its solution stems from the cognitive structure of neoconsequentialism. In terms of criminal law dogmatic, the decision-making morally justified by that set of beliefs falls into a “juridical assessment-free space”, which entails denying justification in the traditional sense.


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