Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)
Artículos de Revisión

Causation of psychopathy: traits and characteristics

Mariantonella Picón
ouglas College, Coquitlam, Canadá

Published 2021-06-30


  • Psychopathy,
  • Personality disorder,
  • Traits and characteristics
  • Psicopatía,
  • Trastorno de la personalidad,
  • Rasgos y características

How to Cite

Picón , M. . (2021). Causation of psychopathy: traits and characteristics. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 5(1), 84–89. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V5N1(2021)7


Psychopaths are characterized by callousness, limited capacity for remorse, and lack of empathy. The exact cause of these personality disorder traits is an area of ​​ongoing scientific analysis and debate. Psychopathy has been considered as the limited ability to inference about the mental states of others or the manipulative ability and to develop deduction skills about other people. In this review article, the main features and characteristics of the psychopath will be determined, as well as the theories about the development factors of psychopathy according to the positions of three authors, specifying the main anomalies of the psychopathic mind. Psychopathy as a personality disorder continues to be a difficult subject to study that involves not only understanding specific corresponding brain patterns, but also understanding generic facial expressions and emotions. It is concluded that the psychopath can be identified when under multiple brain testing machines, but without these resources, a psychopath could be anyone. The causes of psychopathy are uncertain, but it is likely a combination of genetic, environmental, and interpersonal factors.


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