Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)
Comunicaciones Cortas

Preliminary situational study of the health status of the inhabitants of Barrio San Miguel in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, 2021

Oscar Cárdenas Ledo
Universidad Privada María Serrana, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
Yessica Garay Ruiz Díaz
Universidad Privada María Serrana, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
Bruna Thais Da Silva
Universidad Privada María Serrana, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
Larissa Lino Lourenço
Universidad Privada María Serrana, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
Sara Viera Cáceres
Universidad Privada María Serrana, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay

Published 2021-06-30


  • Health status,
  • Morbidity,
  • Community diagnosis
  • Estado de salud,
  • Morbilidad,
  • Diagnóstico comunitario

How to Cite

Cárdenas Ledo, O. ., Ruiz Díaz, Y. G. ., Da Silva, B. T. ., Lourenço, L. L. ., & Viera Cáceres, S. . (2021). Preliminary situational study of the health status of the inhabitants of Barrio San Miguel in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, 2021. Revista De Investigación Científica Y Tecnológica, 5(1), 127–136. https://doi.org/10.36003/Rev.investig.cient.tecnol.V5N1(2021)11


Objective: To identify the health status of the inhabitants of the San Miguel neighborhood of Ciudad del Este in May 2021. Materials and methods: In this work, the quantitative approach was used, adopting the non-experimental design with a descriptive scope and cross-section. The sampling was intentional non-probabilistic for convenience, integrating to the study 64 residents of the Barrio San Miguel of Ciudad de Paraguay. Results: Some of the most relevant results included in the variables are: In relation to the gender of the surveyed population, the female gender has predominated, constituting 63% of the population followed by 37% of the male sex. In the degree of schooling, it has been shown that the inhabitants have been educated more frequently until secondary education in 41% in relation to other degrees. It is observed that 92% are local residents, as well as a low percentage of immigration. Cardiovascular diseases are more frequent with 38%, followed by pathologies of the genitourinary system in 20%, mental diseases 19%, respiratory diseases 18%, endocrine diseases 17%, digestive diseases 16%, neurological diseases 14%, musculoskeletal diseases 8%, infectious diseases 8%, viral diseases 57%, injuries from external causes 16%. Regarding health coverage, it is found that 91% have access and 9% lack health coverage. Conclusions: With this study data related to the health status of the inhabitants of the studied area were obtained, likewise the main demographic characteristics of the area were indirectly collected with the verification of the effective response of the primary health care centers.


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